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Essay about smoking

Essay about smoking

essay about smoking

Statistics in your argumentative essay about smoking is immensely important and useful for your arguments. The fact that the main emphasis of the antismoking campaign is placed on younger generation of Americans is quite logical. First, smoking is reflected most negatively on the state of health of teenagers Smoking Essay example. Words3 Pages. Smoking. Introduction. Some governments have banned smoking in all public places. Smoking has been proven to be very dangerous to health. Nonetheless 40 % of the population smokes. Actually I am a non smoker, although I used to be a smoker. Most people try out smoking when they are young ; many youths Essay On Smoking And Smoking. Should a 49 year old man who have smoked since he was 16 years old be given the same healthcare treatment as a 29 year old woman who has never smoked? What if the situation was one who drank? Although some may argue that those who smoke or drink should take the responsibility for their actions, I believe there are

Essay About Smoking: Best Writing Help For You

Smoking has been a health problem all over the essay about smoking due to its negative health effects. The allure of smoking is great particularly for teenagers but the resultant addiction makes smoking a dangerous health risk. In this light, several alternatives have been advanced to assist addicts quit smoking. According to modern research, obtaining the numbers of dead people is the initial step in improving the health of the people of that nation. A recent study conducted in India indicated that there were a million deaths caused by tobacco related diseases. This had alarming reactions from people all over the world, essay about smoking. However, these results were not new. According to statistics, smoking can be attributed of the more thanannual deaths in the US.

This leads to a loss of more than 92 million dollars due to deceased human resources Homish et al Such statistics qualify smoking as critical risk factor for numerous diseases. Initially it was perceived as an analgesic and used essay about smoking treat disorders such as intestinal complications and rheumatism. Other diseases caused by smoking include chronic bronchitis, aneurysms, neonatal death, heart attack and stroke. Moreover, essay about smoking, further studies have shown that more eighty thousand children worldwide begin the habit of smoking every year.

This implies the number of addicts is also growing at the same rate. Originally, essay about smoking, it was assumed that the effects of smoking were less in India than in the USA. In addition, the uptake age of the smoking habit in India was much more advanced compared to that of the US citizens. In the US, there were more teenagers getting trapped into the smoking addiction mainly due to peer pressure. The number of cigarettes consumed by each smoker was more for the US citizens than it was for the Indians.

Despite this statistics, the risk factor in smoking remains relatively the same for the two countries. How tobacco smoke manages to achieve such alarming results becomes the vital question. Cigarette smoke is made up of over four thousand varied chemicals, essay about smoking. Of essay about smoking, four hundred are known carcinogens. Other vital components of cigarette smoke are oxidants such as oxygen-less radicals and volatile aldeydes. Several researchers have found cigarette smoke to contain different amounts of toxic-ants.

Hoffiman and Hecht identified forty-six toxicants while the US Environmental Protection Agency Essay about smoking came up with a list of 82 toxicants. Moreover, essay about smoking randomized epidemiological studies essay about smoking cigarette smoke to numerous heart complications and chronic pulmonary disorders. Tobacco companies have come up with ways to reduce the toxic levels in cigarettes. However, complete cessation is the only sure way to reduce the risk of exposure to different diseases by helping the smokers to quit. Many smokers are more than willing to quit and a study on the effectiveness of the quitting options available would come in handy. It will help them evaluate the easiest and most effective option available. Taking actions that prevent the teenagers from starting may be important but it will only curb the number of deaths by the year In studying the smoking problem, several stakeholders and factors must be put into consideration.

The stakeholders in the smoking problem can be divided into two major categories: smokers and tobacco companies. The smokers are the divided into two categories: active smokers and passive smokers. Active smokers are the smokers who actually smoke while the passive smokers are those who inhale the cigarettes smoke by being situated next to smoker. The different factors that affect smoking are:. Social facts play the greatest of essay about smoking in determining the level of tobacco consumption. First, the smoking habit of the smoker was most probably initiated by social habits.

The social theory identifies smoking as one of the habits acquired by example. Smokers may have adopted the smoking habit since a close relative to whom they look up to was a smoker, essay about smoking. Moreover, music videos and movies portray smoking as a prestigious habit which greatly influences the potential smokers to start smoking. In other instances, essay about smoking, smoking can be used to initiate and perpetuate friendships. Requesting essay about smoking stranger for a match box can at time act as an icebreaker in a conversation. The smoking zones in the working areas essay about smoking in streets in certain countries also create opportunities for bonding for the smokers. These social factors may act as hindrances to the quitting process particularly if the friendship bond has its roots in the smoking habit.

Attempts to quit may be viewed as criticism of the habit which may eventually break up the friendship bond. Tobacco companies are aware of the potential of the social habits and continue to sponsor sporting activities that are appealing to the young generation. For instance, tobacco companies pump in millions into the motor industry. According to recent studies, essay about smoking, young people that are great fans of essay about smoking motor sport exhibit a greater likelihood of smoking than those who are not. However, these companies ensure they do not portray the negative aspects of smoking such as the discolored fingers, bad mouth odor and increased risk of disease contraction.

In addition, essay about smoking, critical health complications may result in the death of the smoker. This becomes a loss to all the beneficiaries of the smoker particularly the nuclear family. Emotional suffering due to parental loss could lead the children to develop a smoking habit as a way to relieving themselves off the stress Laura Tobacco companies ensure their products reach their customers through sales by middlemen, essay about smoking. In any given country, there are rules that govern the sales and smoking of tobacco products, essay about smoking. Such legislations include the government imposition of exorbitant taxes on the essay about smoking tobacco products in an attempt to limit the number of smokers.

The government is concerned with the health of its citizens and is well aware of the negative effects of tobacco smoking. The tobacco companies are well aware of this and go as far as bribing the law makers for them to formulate laws in their favor. Lawsuits filed against tobacco companies end up closed through punitive damages to the plaintiffs or rulings in favor of tobacco companies. In other instances, politicians use smoking as an image of identification. It portrays them as care-free thus endearing them to the people Anonymous Promises to amend laws related to smoking could also be used to woo voters into voting in favor of the politician. The economics of tobacco industry can be analyzed on the basis of elasticity of its demand and prices and the implications on the market under reference.

Economic forces can be modeled in such a way that they contribute to the reduction of the death toll due to consumption of tobacco. Since excise tax makes up a section of the price of a commodity, numerous countries including the United States of America USA use taxation as a key strategy to cut down the rate of tobacco consumption. The restrictions and setting aside of smoking zones imposes additional costs on the smokers. Fines imposed on those who break this law also serve as essay about smoking costs. Other factors that influence the demand of cigarettes are income of the smokers, advertising and other promotional activities by the tobacco companies and taste differences. Unlike earlier, essay about smoking, cigarettes are now classified as inferior goods.

This implies an increase in the income of the smokers is followed by essay about smoking subsequent decline in the rate of cigarette smoking. Wealthy people have a greater access to information on the negative effects of smoking and therefore tend to abstain from smoking. In developing countries, the increase in the price of cigarettes results in a subsequent decrease in the rate of tobacco consumption by the smokers. Essay about smoking the legal restrictions on the advertisement of tobacco, essay about smoking, tobacco companies spend millions on the adverts to ensure they reach as many potential customers as possible. They do these based on studying the economics of tobacco products, essay about smoking.

There are numerous laws that govern the sales of tobacco products in all countries. For instance, there is an age limit below which minors should not smoke. Parents and law enforcers ensure minors do not smoke tobacco before their right age. This helps limit the number of smokers in the country Frank Moreover, there are laws that limit public smoking to certain zones provided by the municipalities. This is intended to reduce the level of pollution. Laws have also been put in place to determine the time during which the smoking advertisements are aired. This is intended to reduce the number of minors with accessibility to the television from starting the smoking habit. Lastly, some countries demand that every cigarette packet be accompanied by a warning on the negative health effects of cigarette smoking.

All the laws are backed by penalties should they not be followed or broken. Tobacco companies are affected negatively by these laws as they are bent on decreasing their sales. However, the health of the people comes before the monetary returns. Therefore, essay about smoking, tobacco companies have essay about smoking choice but to comply. The age limit law is the most observed as the minors have parents who limit their freedom and thus control the age at which they begin to smoke. The health warnings on the cigarette packets are mostly ignored by the smokers.

A majority of them are addicted and quitting is not an easy option. Majority of the smokers depend on a combination of counseling, medications and family support in order to quit smoking. The interventions that help one quit smoking are referred to as smoking cessation. There are health insurance policies that cover smoking cessation particularly counseling and medication. Under counseling, all the plan participants are entitled to telephone-based counseling. The health plan should cover all medical alternatives below. While some of the medications need a prescription, others are sold over the counter.

Doctors are usually in the best position to advise their clients on the best method or combination of methods to help treat their cigarette addiction. Therefore, nicotine replacements are in certain cases used in medication, essay about smoking. The quitting process requires persistence as a single attempt may not work the magic.


, time: 4:32

≡Essays on Smoking Ban. Free Examples of Research Paper Topics, Titles GradesFixer

essay about smoking

Essays on Smoking Ban. Essay examples. Essay topics. Why Smoking Should Be Banned. words | 3 Pages. Smoking is an activity in which a person burns a specific substance and inhales the fumes produced. The most commonly used substance in smoking is tobacco which when burnt produces tar. This tar contains many toxic chemicals which cause Sample Argumentative Essay On Smoking More and more countries and cities ban smoking here and there, in public places. According to various medical studies, smoking not only causes various health problems for a person, but also for every non-smoker close by. Even though people continue debating the pros and cons of the smoking issue, the Jun 04,  · A smoking essay can fit any type of writing assignment. You can craft an argumentative essay about smoking, a persuasive piece, or even a narration about someone’s struggle with quitting. It’s a rare case of a one-size-fits-all topic. There is an endless number of environmental essay topics ideas. From the reasons and history of smoking to

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