May 03, · That is to say: the only thing such a cosmetic surgery does, is to make you younger for a few years. Life goes on and afterwards, the wrinkles come back. It is as unnatural to try to possess eternal youth, as it is to oppose the ageing process. Silicones implants have to be replaced within fifteen years Cosmetic surgery can thus be interpreted as a very socially-constructed addiction: the more it is normalized, the more it seems desirable, and the more It could be claimed that cosmetic surgery does both good physically and mentally as cosmetic surgery has a way of bringing about positive changes. 3. Reasons cosmetic surgery should be restricted People take what can be good to the extreme In some cases, cosmetic surgery does help individuals
Plastic Surgery, Argumentative Essay Sample
Argumentative Essay 'Against Cosmetic Surgery', cosmetic surgery argumentative essay. Could someone please help me with this argumentative essay? I have to write an argumentative essay against cosmetic surgery. Could someone please look if there are mistakes grammar mistakes, vocabulary mistakes, logical mistakesif the text is well-structured, if everything in the text is formal? if there are informal words, expressions in it I will not get a pass mark Cosmetic surgery: the magic potion? Cosmetic surgery: the magic potion? A study by Psychology Today magazine shows that many people are not satisfied with their looks: 60, do not like their noses; 30, cosmetic surgery argumentative essay, do not like their chins; 6, do not like their ears and 6, do not like their eyes.
Cosmetic surgery: the hype of the moment. But is it the magic potion? Certainly not, cosmetic surgery argumentative essay. To begin with, there is no point in cutting into a healthy body. How small the operation might be, for example cosmetic nose surgery, there is always a chance something goes wrong. Although serious risks such as blindness and heavy lung problems are rather rare, less serious risks may not be concealed: chronic pain, allergic reaction, delayed or prolonged healing, In any case, cosmetic surgery is far from pain free. And what is more: a number of surgeries have already failed.
To take one example: the year old housewife Lorraine Batt, mother of three young children, came to an untimely death as the result of surgery that would make her belly more pretty to look at. Such tragic events are a strong warning that our society has to move into a less appearance-focused one. In addition, the long-term consequences are often not taken into account. In fact, it is useless to go through a facelift. That is to say: the only thing such a cosmetic cosmetic surgery argumentative essay does, is to make you younger for a few years. Life goes on and afterwards, the wrinkles come back. It is as unnatural to try to possess eternal youth, as it is to oppose the ageing process.
Silicones implants have to be replaced within fifteen years. That seems to cosmetic surgery argumentative essay a long time, cosmetic surgery argumentative essay, but the fact that this implies a new surgery, is often forgotten. Every single person is unique and that is what makes life so special. Of course some do more resemble twins and look-alikesbut nobody feels quite the same as you do. The outside appearance is the representation of the inner-self. Therefore, drastically redesigning your looks causes strange effects, take for instance Michael Jackson. If your personality is lacking, your appearance will also lack. This goes hand in hand, cosmetic surgery does not make you a different person. A common ground to go through this procedure is to make oneself more confident, comfortable and stronger than others.
Some youngster see plastic surgery as a quick fix for their physical, and their emotional problems. On the contrary, cosmetic surgery cannot produce miracles, and if teenagers keep thinking in that way, our society is facing an unhealthy future. Cosmetic surgery should not be the option, cosmetic surgery argumentative essay, and it can definitely not be taken lightly. It will change the patient's life, and in ways they may not have expected, which is shown in the paragraphs above. As wonderful as this piece of modern medical technology cosmetic surgery argumentative essay sound, it turns out that cosmetic surgery is not at all that advantageous. Highlighted a few things for you to fix.
Inka Could someone please look if there are mistakes grammar mistakes, vocabulary mistakes, logical mistakesif the text is well-structured, if everything in the text is formal? rephrase and be specific Cosmetic surgery: the hype of the moment inappropriate wording. But is it the magic potion odd to compare surgeries to something you can drink? Although serious risks such as blindness and heavy lung problems are rather rare, less serious risks may not be concealed : chronic pain, allergic reaction, delayed or prolonged healing, To take one example: the year old housewifeLorraine Batt, mother of three young children, came to an untimely death as the result of surgery that would make her belly more pretty to look at You need to elaborate.
That is to say: the only thing such a The cosmetic surgery does, is to may make you look younger for a few yearsbut life goes on and afterwards, the wrinkles come back. Silicone s implants have to be replaced within fifteen years. That seems to be a long time, but the fact that this implies a new surgeryis often forgotten. Some youngster see plastic surgery as a quick fix for their physicaland their emotional problems. It will change the patient's life, and in ways they may not have expectedwhich is shown in the paragraphs above. Thanks, Julielai. Students: We have free audio pronunciation exercises.
Cosmetic surgery: a miracle worker? A study by Psychology Today magazine shows that many people are not satisfied with their looks: 60, do not like their noses; 30, do not like their chins; 6, do not like their ears and another 6, do not like their eyes. Only considered the face! Cosmetic surgery argumentative essay, science has achieved so far that it is able to provide us with the perfect body image. Cosmetic surgery: the current hype. But is it the universal remedy? To begin with: however small the operation might be, there is always a chance something goes wrong. Although serious risks such as blindness and heavy lung problems are rather rare, cosmetic surgery argumentative essay, less serious ones should not be neglected: chronic pain, allergic reaction, delayed or prolonged healing, And what is more: a rather large number of surgeries have already failed.
There is no point in transforming a healthy body. The cosmetic surgery does may make you younger for a few years, but life goes on and the wrinkles come back. Moreover, silicone implants have to be replaced within fifteen years, which cosmetic surgery argumentative essay to be a long time. Yet the fact that this implies a new surgery is often forgotten. Some youngsters see such an operation as a quick fix for their physical and their emotional problems. Still, cosmetic surgery cannot produce miracles, and if teenagers keep thinking that way, our society is facing an unhealthy future. Cosmetic surgery should not be the option, and it should definitely not be taken lightly. It will change the patient's life, in ways he may not have expected. Therefore, drastically redesigning your looks causes strange effects, which was, for example, the case with Michael Jackson.
If your personality is lacking, your appearance will too. Consequently, cosmetic surgery does not make you a different person. As wonderful as this piece of modern medical technology may sound, cosmetic surgery is not all that advantageous. That is why the idea of the perfect body image has to be thrown away, and it has to be recognized that everyone is a special human being. I have tried to correct the mistakes you underlined, and have changed some other things. Could you please look if everything is correct? I really do not know how I can rephraze the sentence I underlined in the introduction paragraph Cosmetic surgery: a miracle worker? Inka Cosmetic surgery: a miracle worker? Unfortunately, science has achieved so far that it is able rephrase and mention cosmetic surgery here to provide us with the perfect body image.
To begin with :however small the operation might be, there is always a chance something goes wrong. Your point about death should be in this paragraph In any case, cosmetic surgery is far from pain free. And what is more :a rather large number of surgeries have already failed. This is related to your last point so I don't see how you can make a new argument for this. save that for your conclusion Take for instance the year old housewife, cosmetic surgery argumentative essay, Lorraine Batt for instance. the effects of the surgery will not last. It is as unnatural to try to possess eternal youthas it is to oppose the ageing process. Moreover, silicone implants have to be replaced within fifteen yearswhich seems to be a long time.
What is your point? If your personality is lacking, your appearance will suffer too. That is why the idea of the perfect body image has to be thrown away wordingand it has to be recognized that everyone is a special human being. Students: Are you brave enough to let our tutors analyse your pronunciation? I tried to improve the things you indicated. I tried to change the paragraph beginning with cosmetic surgery argumentative essay common ground' into another argument. Indeed, that paragraph made no sense. Did you mean that I had to combine paragraph 2 and 3? the point about death Isn't the second paragraph too long now?
Now that I am changing and trying to rewrite parts of the text, I have to admit that it is really difficult to write an argumentative essay. It is very difficult to put ideas into words and to present it in a logical way, so that it is understandable for others. Could you please once correct my text? Unfortunately, with the help of cosmetic surgery, society tries cosmetic surgery argumentative essay meet the perfect body image. To begin with, however small the operation might be, there is always a chance something goes wrong, cosmetic surgery argumentative essay.
And what is more, cosmetic surgery argumentative essay, a rather large number of surgeries have already failed.
cosmetic surgery argumentative essay
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10/23/ Plastic Surgery, Argumentative Essay Sample 1/2 Samples Writing Guides Contact Blog LiveChat Call Now! (USA) Login Order now Call Now! (USA) Order now Order Now Samples Contact Writing Guides Blog LiveChat LiveChat Call Now! (USA) Login 15% First Time Customer Discount. Order now! Fill out the order form step-by-step. We need you to be detailed. Get Running head:Cosmetic Surgery. Cosmetic surgery is a type of correctional surgery or rather a restoration of form to achieve a desired look or function. The surgery will mostly involve procedures that are intended for improvement of appearance through surgical or medical techniques. The sole purpose of cosmetic surgery is to maintain the normal young Apr 03, · This paper argues that while plastic surgery is giving people a chance to attain the look they so much desire, its drawbacks are numerous hence it is not a worthwhile solution. Plastic or cosmetic surgery involves repairing, replacing, or reconstructing a person’s external body part or enhancing the body parts through cosmetic procedures to attain the desired look
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