30/08/ · Environmental pollution is increasing at a high pace due to the use of excessive technology and chemical-based products. Introduction – Environmental Pollution Essay Environmental pollution and various problems which are associated with it Pollution is a process of contaminating the environment in a way that it becomes unsafe to use. The contamination usually occurs through the chemical substances; however is not limited to tangible effects. The pollution can also take the form of the light, sound (noise pollution), or heat. The effects of pollution are devastative Essay on Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solution Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light blogger.comted Reading Time: 8 mins
Writing an Essay on Environmental Pollution for Students
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A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. Translate PDF. Essay on Environmental Pollution: Causes, Effects and Solution Environmental pollution refers to the introduction of harmful pollutants into the environment. The major types of environmental pollution are air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, thermal pollution, soil pollution and light pollution, environmental pollution essay. Deforestation and hazardous gaseous emissions also leads to environmental pollution. During the last 10 years, the world has witnessed severe rise in environmental pollution.
We all live on planet earth, which is the only planet known to have an environment, where air and water are two basic things that sustain life. Without air and water the earth would be like the other planets — no man, no animals, no plants. The biosphere in which living beings have their sustenance has oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, argon and water vapor. All these are well balanced to ensure and help a healthy growth of life in the animal world. This balance does not only help the life-cycles of animals and plants, but it also creates the perennial sources of minerals and energies without environmental pollution essay the human civilization of to-day could not be built.
It is for this balance that the human life and other forms of existence have flourished on earth for so many thousands of years. But man, as the most intelligent animal, never stopped being inquisitive, nor was he content with the bounties of nature. His quest for knowledge and search for security succeeded in exploring newer and wider avenues of mysteries that remained baffling so long. With the dawn of the age of science and technology, there has been huge growth and development of human potentials, environmental pollution essay. And, it is here that man first began losing control and became prisoner of his own creations.
Sources and Causes The sources and causes of environmental pollution includes the following: Industrial activities: The industries all over the world that brought prosperity and affluence, made inroads in the biosphere and disturbed the ecological balances. The pall of smoke, the swirling gases, industrial effluents and the fall-out of scientific experiments became constant health hazards, polluting and contaminating both air and water, environmental pollution essay. The improper disposal of industrial wastes are the sources of soil and water pollution. The multiplication of vehicles, emitting black smoke that, being free and unfettered, spreads out and mixes with the air we breathe. The harmful smoke of these vehicles causes air pollution.
Further, the sounds produced by these vehicles produces causes noise-pollution, environmental pollution essay. The world has witnessed massive deforestation to expand absorb the growing population and their demands. Also read: Sources of Water, Air and Soil Pollution Effect Environmental pollution has negatively affected the life of both human-beings and animals. Almost all of our gains in the fields of industrial environmental pollution essay, science and technology had so far been realized at the cost of our health. Even our flora and fauna were found to be threatened with extinction, environmental pollution essay. All this really leaves us wondering if all our achievements and industrial civilization really help us climb the peaks of prosperity or simply take us down the blind alleys of adversity.
It is not only in India, but all over the world — even in Europe and U, environmental pollution essay. Many crusaders against environmental pollution are vehemently protesting against the indiscriminate violations committed daily in the name of development, environmental pollution essay. The environmental pollution is not caused by the fall-out from nuclear tests or industries alone. The smoke left behind the automobiles and other vehicular traffic, the increasing use of synthetic detergents, nitrogen fertilizers and insecticides contaminate both air and water. As a result environmental pollution essay this contamination our world is afflicted with a quite a number of incurable diseases.
Besides causing immense disturbances, there are increasing case of pulmonary tuberculosis and thrombosis and various sorts of brain and heart complications. It can also contaminate the ground water. It can also cause deafness, environmental pollution essay, tiredness, environmental pollution essay mental losses. The birth of mills and factories is the result of the growth of industry in this machine- predominated age. As long as they will be there, they must emit smoke, pollute the air and hasten our end by slow-poisoning. The worst industrial environment tragedy environmental pollution essay at Bhopal on December 3, as a result of toxic and poisonous leakage of methyl isocyanate MIC gas from a multi- national Union Carbide pesticides manufacturing plant.
Over people including woman and children were killed, and hundreds were severely hurt. Solution What then is the remedy? There surely cannot be any radical solution, for the existing factories cannot be bodily lifted to a place far from the populated zone. However, environmental pollution essay, the following attempts can be made environmental pollution essay solve the problem of environmental pollution. Initiatives 1. The UN Conference on Human Environment was convened to study the profound changes in the relationship between man and his environment in the wake of modern scientific and technological developments. The World Health Organization also set up an international network for the monitoring and study of air pollution on a global scale and for devising possible remedies.
Conclusion We can very well notice the abnormal behaviour of the seasons — the cycle developing clogs in its wheels; and the worried experts fear that the disturbed balance in the biosphere has assumed such serious proportion that very soon our world would be uninhabitable like Hiroshima of But it is heartening to find the entire world aware of the menace. Some of the advanced countries have already taken some measures to meet it. If we fail to restore the ecological balance right now, it would be too late tomorrow. Related Papers Environmental Pollution Effects on Living Beings By International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology IJSRST.
pdf By Euro Asia International Journals. Environmental pollution and industrial action By muhammad hassan. Download File. About Press Blog People Papers Job Board We're Hiring! Help Center Find new research papers in: Physics Chemistry Biology Health Sciences Ecology Earth Sciences Cognitive Science Mathematics Computer Science Terms Privacy Copyright Academia ©
Essay on pollution (the problem of pollution) in english -- Pollution essay in english
, time: 13:28Essay on Environmental Pollution: 7 Selected Essays on Environmental Pollution
Pollution is a process of contaminating the environment in a way that it becomes unsafe to use. The contamination usually occurs through the chemical substances; however is not limited to tangible effects. The pollution can also take the form of the light, sound (noise pollution), or heat. The effects of pollution are devastative Essay On Environmental Pollution The Impact Of Water Quality On Public Health. The pollutant from agricultural lands such as fertilizers, pesticides and The Pros And Cons Of Factory Farming. The operations have raised troubling questions about water quality and threat to Water Pollution 13/06/ · Below we have given a short essay on Environmental Pollution is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below. We are the ones who create or increase pollution by vehicular emission, domestic and industrial emission and waste, which we freely let into the atmosphere or water bodies
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