May 29, · In the modern world Environmental pollution has become a global threat. On the other hand, an essay on pollution or essay on Environmental pollution is now a common topic in each and every board blogger.comts are very frequently asked to write an essay on pollution not only in school or college levels but also pollution essay has become a common Apr 15, · Solutions To Environmental Pollution Environmental Sciences Essay Pages: 4 ( words) Organizational culture is a key factor in strong, enduring businesses. The “consistency of brand experience comes from the strength of its company culture.” (Gibbons, ) Culture is what guides an organization and what gives purpose to employees or staff Feb 23, · Environmental Pollution Essay In English – Words. Environmental Pollution: Environment is nothing but the surroundings in which we live. And our environment is made up of several components such as land, water, air, sound, nuclear, and much more. When these components are contaminated with harmful or toxic chemical gases, then it
// Words Essay on Environmental Pollution,Article on Pollution
Essay On Environmental Pollution: Students who are in search of environmental pollution essays can refer to this article. The information provided essay on environmental pollution this page covers the introduction of the Environmental Pollution Paragraph, followed by the causes of environmental pollution and how to control environmental pollution. Read on to find more. Environmental Pollution: Environment is nothing but the surroundings in which we live. And our environment is made up of several components such as land, water, air, essay on environmental pollution, sound, nuclear, and much more. When these components are contaminated with harmful or toxic chemical gases, then it leads to pollution.
This pollution is known as Environmental Pollution. Environmental pollution is increasing from day to day causing various health problems. There are 5 basic types of Pollution that lead to environmental pollution and they are Air, Water, Noise, Land, and Nuclear pollution. This Environmental Pollution is caused by both human-made and natural activities. Air Pollution causes environmental pollution as it is one of the important components of the environment. When harmful and toxic chemical substances contaminate air then it is called air pollution.
The contaminated air damages our environment by causing health problems to humans, leading to Acid Rain and loss of distinct species. The causes of Air Pollution are:. Water is another important component of the environment. When the water essay on environmental pollution contaminated with chemical substances and other harmful materials then it leads to water pollution. This polluted water is consumed by humans, plants, and other organisms in the environment. The causes of water pollution are:, essay on environmental pollution.
The high noise is causing various hearing aid diseases and other health problems in the environment. Noise pollution affects the entire environment with huge sounds. The causes of Noise or Sound pollution are given below:. When harmful chemical substances are decomposed into the land then it leads to Soil Pollution. Due to land pollution, essay on environmental pollution, agricultural activities are highly affected. The main causes of land or Soil pollution are given below:. When our environment is affected due to radioactive substances or radiations then it is known as Nuclear Pollution, essay on environmental pollution.
Nuclear pollution is extremely hazardous to the environment. The main causes of Nuclear Pollution are given below:. The 10 ways to prevent and control environmental pollution are listed below:. We should adopt all the possible measures to control environmental pollution. Being a responsible citizen, it is our duty to control and reduce environmental pollution to save our mother earth. The above provided Environmental Pollution Essay is applicable for all students from Class 3 to Class The above essay essay on environmental pollution also be written in to words. The frequently asked essay on environmental pollution on Environmental Pollution Essay are given below:. When harmful substances get contaminated with environmental components such as Air, Noise, Soil, Water, the light then it leads to Environmental Pollution.
Environmental pollution causes adverse effects to humans, nature, and other living beings on the earth. The environmental issues are important because the environment is the place where we humans and other organisms live. Only if our environment is healthy then we can be healthy. We hope this detailed article on Essay on Environmental Pollution is helpful to you, essay on environmental pollution. Share your feedback about the Environmental Pollution essay in the comment box below:. The net totality of all the damage caused on the environment due to a host of factors such as air pollutionwater pollutionsoil pollution etc. leave a combined and disastrous effect on the environment we live and in short, it can be termed as environmental pollution.
We are aware of the different kinds of pollution that exist in our nature- air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, land pollution and many more. In reality these different types of pollutants from various polluting agents work in combination to create a deadly effect on the environment. Most of the times, this effect is irreversible and measures that we take to rectify individual pollution effects can subside contamination to a certain amount, but cannot avoid it totally. Environmental pollution is the greatest threat to this ultra modern century. Environmental pollution has shot up at an alarming zenith that today it has become one of the greatest concerns of the developed and developing countries.
When the Industrial Revolution hit Europe in the nineteenth century, the whole world hailed the advent of a glorious, advanced and prosperous new era. Then followed the aeroplane, essay on environmental pollution, the spacecraft and finally the computers performing wonders for man like the earth echoed with the invigorating sound of factory siren and the roar of sophisticated machinery, knowing little about the havoc it could play due to this attack on nature. Large industrial units flourished in places of sylvan retreats, essay on environmental pollution. Environmental pollution is caused by essay on environmental pollution just one, but there are a whole lot of contributing factors that have been adding in numbers day essay on environmental pollution day, minute by minute.
The poisonous smoke from factories and industries take away the natural and fresh air present in the essay on environmental pollution and replace it with toxic gases. If we were to talk about chemical effluents from industries, essay on environmental pollution, we know that the thought of a chemical in our kitchen sink can ring an alarm bell in our mind. The easy discharge of sewage plus contaminants into river waters has brought down of quality of water by a great level and caused disastrous effects on the rivers and aquatic life of our planet. Soil is enriched with essay on environmental pollution and pesticides, in an aim to get good profits from agricultural produce. The natural qualities of the soil are long forgotten due to this.
Soil has been eroded from the top surfaces of forests. Man started to exploit forests for his selfish needs, essay on environmental pollution. So, he started cutting down trees and used the timber to manufacture a whole lot of wooden products. He prepared furniture, artifacts, essay on environmental pollution, extracted rubber etc. This happened on a small scale at the beginning of industrialization. When it hit its peak, man started cutting down trees unreasonably and cited industrialization and prosperity as the good reasons. When large numbers of forests were cut down in this manner, they gave way to barren lands. Such lands were not even suitable for cultivation of crops.
The soil was so loose in deforested regions that they could be easily washed away by rain water, essay on environmental pollution. None of the nutrients could be provided or the soil could not be held tight by its constituent elements. So, the only option was to invade them further and convert these forest lands into urban essay on environmental pollution. Sites gave way to skyscrapers and in short, built concrete jungles. The demands of drinking water for these tall skyscraper dwellers are so huge that most of the taps run dry and empty during summer seasons in big cities. The day is not far off when we would be paying the price of essay on environmental pollution for the price of water. In short, essay on environmental pollution, rapid urbanization, commercialization, together with unchecked industrialization and rampant deforestation has had detrimental effects on the environment.
There is no one cause that can be cited for causing environmental pollution. Things happen in a cycle. Land pollution and soil pollution are interlinked. Air pollution and water pollution are also interlined in many ways. So, a combined effect renders a disastrous call on the environment. It was left to a few lost souls in the wilderness who spoke to us as prophets of doom, but their cries were submerged in the thick black smoke emerged from the dark tall chimneys of a million industrial units and drowned by the din of metallic monsters. Today the industrialization has reached a sky-rocketing sight and we do not know how to halt or find out essay on environmental pollution alternative measure to adopt successfully in our greedy march towards capitalistic attitude.
Today, our planet has reached a stage, where environmental pollution is threatening to annihilate it. We cannot imagine a future life when there will be no butterflies, no birds, no fish and the rain water will be black in color. The effects of environmental pollution are many. We can see smog early in the morning at many parts of the cold country regions. Smog is nothing but fog combined with smoke. Due to the presence of smog early in the morning, the visibility of the whole area diminishes to a great extent and we can see accidents occurring due to this. Water shortage and water crisis are like every day events and part and parcel of life at many high rise buildings in the metropolitan cities. Regular shortage of water supplies is just a normal thing in big towns.
When people finally get access to water, they realize they have been gifted with contaminated water, full of impurities that may lead them to many water borne diseases. Many young children have become victims of asthma and respiratory disorders at very young ages today. The result of this is on account of air pollution. Fresh and clean air is nowhere to breathe. Big cities are made up of polluted and contaminated air, they are filled up with toxins that run through our bronchiole and create a world full of disorders. Greenhouse gases are fast heating up in the atmosphere and causing global warming. We can sight unseasonal and acid rains at many parts of the world. The ozone layer is fast depleting and we can see visible holes in the protective layer of the atmosphere.
This may cause and lead to many complications from UV rays, including skin cancer, etc. We cannot imagine a time when the rivers will get dried up and the land will become barren and instead of forests we will have concrete jungles. This will soon become a reality if we do not adopt immediate concrete steps to prevent pollution. As a preventive measure, we must grow more trees, stop killing of wild animals, avoid using plastic bags, stop littering, use less petroleum products, and use more environment — friendly products and so on.
If we do not consider this as a matter of supreme importance to achieve a pollution free environment — we will be totally annihilated by a monster of our own creation. Not just in words, but simple actions may lead to major changes in our environment, essay on environmental pollution.
Write an Essay on Environmental Pollution In 300 words -- Environment Pollution Essay In English
, time: 3:41Essay on Environmental Pollution: 7 Selected Essays on Environmental Pollution
Oct 19, · Essay on Environmental Pollution. The surroundings where all living and non-living components are residing is called environment. The growing demand for urbanization, industrialization, mining, exploration, etc. has disrupted the harmonious balance of the natural environment. Many unwanted man-made components are polluting the environment and May 29, · In the modern world Environmental pollution has become a global threat. On the other hand, an essay on pollution or essay on Environmental pollution is now a common topic in each and every board blogger.comts are very frequently asked to write an essay on pollution not only in school or college levels but also pollution essay has become a common Jun 10, · Pollution is a serious threat to both humans and the environment. Pollution can cause acid rain. If acid rain occurs it can pollute important bodies of water used for drinking water. If someone drinks water polluted by acid rain it can make them sick, it can also erode buildings and kill animals. Too much pollution can also cause smog, a fog
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