Justino Gonzalez ELA 11 Unit 1 Argumentative Essay The Right to Bear Arms The right to keep and bear arms, often referred to as the right to bear arms, is the people's right to possess armaments or arms for their own defense, as described in the philosophical and political writings of Aristotle, Cicero, John Locke, Machiavelli, the English Whigs and others The Right to Bear Arms Essay Example According to the FBI, total violent crimes and murders dropped more than 6 percent during the first half of with over 55% increase in firearm purchases. Even with the recession and poor economy, this typically boots crime blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Right To Bear Arms Words | 3 Pages. necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” These are the words from one of the founding fathers, James Madison. In the past our Second Amendment has protected our right to bear arms, to have a firearm, for over years
The Right to Bear Arms essay
This admonishment should never be taken literally, as it has just been a warning about difficult times coming. However, sometimes the statement is used as an evidence to justify the right if not obligation for everyone to bear arms. The right to have and to bear arms is often disputed and has different points of approach. In details, there is a discussion on individual and collective right and also on circumstances in which bearing arms is justified. It goes without saying that in different countries the problem is solved in different way.
Among other reasons, religion is here and there a decisive matter to state these or that rules. The Muslims, for example, generally follow the Sharia law. The Sharia law gives a temporary permission to bear arms in times of civil strife or violence. Further, legislation is deeply reasoned by the ruling regime. In totalitarian regimes bearing arms is usually forbidden and persecuted by law. The same situation is typical for modern China where there are strict firearm control regulations. In democratic states bearing arms is often permitted, but not always. In Finland, for example, you can receive a permission to have to possess a firearm, but in public you are not free to carry it.
In Spain, you receive a license from the Civil Guard Authority dependently from the class of weapon and for a limited period of time. In the meantime, in Switzerland it is not only permitted but also required to keep arms for those who received training in the national armed forces as they are regarded as the potential defenders of the state. The rate of official firearms is the highest in Switzerland, right to bear arms essay, and at the same time the rate of delinquency is the lowest in the world. When the American state was only at the sawn of its existence, it was natural to solve problems with a musket and a rifle.
But then the function of defense and public control was passed to police, and thus they can be regarded right to bear arms essay exclusive bearers of weapon. Williams meanwhile pays attention to the point that technically all the legally capable men if to be more specific, males from 17 to 45 are the members of unofficial militia and potential defenders of the nation. Hereby, right to bear arms essay, the right to keep and bear arms is approached as a collective one and not individual. But this is a more individual-oriented focus, which is standing for the right of individuals serving in militia.
In this way the first two models concentrate on the intention of the Amendment, on its preamble. Such an approach is widely criticized, right to bear arms essay. This is a individual-rights model. The matter is, the USA has case law, and therefore the interpretation of the Constitution can change from case to case. Thus, the case District of Columbia v. As Thomas B. McAffee and Michael J. In particular, disagreements arise on the ground of terms. And in any way both words have left the context of military service and received outer, civic usage. At the end of the 20 th century it has become wide-spread to explain the terms of keeping and bearing arms as such referring to private arms intended for self-defense against crime or hunting sphere, right to bear arms essay.
On the whole, the question of the right of bearing arms with the purpose of self defense has been discussed for ages in various philosophical, political and social writings including such writers as Aristotle in Greece, Cicero in Rome, Machiavelli, John Locke etc. Today, the two camps are the opponents and the proponents of gun control. From the most points of view, this right can be associated with the right for self-defense. The latter can be regarded either as one of the fundamental and inalienable rights of a human being or as a privilege of a free citizen in a free state.
It is often claimed that when citizens have the right to keep and bear arms, they are able to keep right to bear arms essay state subservient to them. They are the masters and the state is right to bear arms essay servant, as it is in ideal democratic state. In Australia, it is testified, right to bear arms essay, public safety has essentially decreased after intensified gun control. Further on, the opponents of gun control often appeal to the experience of totalitarian regimes as a strong argument.
As it has been already mentioned above, totalitarian states have a standard doctrine for registration of all the weapons and forbidding it for common citizens, right to bear arms essay. In Nazi Germany some regulations were relaxed, as compared to those of the Weimar Republic; all the weapons were exempted from regulation except handguns, the range right to bear arms essay individuals exempted from acquiring the permission was extended, and the age for acquisition of firearms was decreased from 20 to Meanwhile all the Jews were prohibited from manufacturing the ammunition and firearms. In fact, there has been special research conducted by Martin Killias in 21 countries of the world as for the gun control. Much data has been collected, but in reality no true evidence for any right to bear arms essay has been provided.
One of the provoking areas is studying of suicide statistics. One the one hand, it is supposed that the more weapons are possessed by common citizens, the higher is the rate of firearm suicide in the state. All in all, gun laws do not have any essential effects on suicide statistics. Then, Gary Cleck, a criminologist from Florida State University, also conducted a study and found out that victims of crimes are less likely to be injured or loose their property when they have firearms to protect themselves Kleck, On the other hand, with the guns they typically get into more dangerous situation as using a gun for self-protection can provoke the criminal to attack.
Violent crimes are merely affected by gun laws as well. The other problem is of economic character. It goes without saying that for gun manufacturers it is profitable to have as much clients as possible. Interestingly, John Lott, the economist and the author of the book More Guns, Less Crime justifies permission for law-abiding citizens not only to keep or possess guns, but also to carry them in public places. All points considered, it seems to be right to defend reasonable regulation in any way, because no right can be absolute and unconditional. It is sound to issue permissions for law-abiding citizens after they are checked for mental stability, absence of criminal past and going through special training. After all, industry should be under strict control of the government and take all the related responsibilities.
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The Liberal Basis of the Right to Bear Arms by Hughes and Hunt
, time: 21:09
Justino Gonzalez ELA 11 Unit 1 Argumentative Essay The Right to Bear Arms The right to keep and bear arms, often referred to as the right to bear arms, is the people's right to possess armaments or arms for their own defense, as described in the philosophical and political writings of Aristotle, Cicero, John Locke, Machiavelli, the English Whigs and others The Right to Bear Arms Essay Example According to the FBI, total violent crimes and murders dropped more than 6 percent during the first half of with over 55% increase in firearm purchases. Even with the recession and poor economy, this typically boots crime blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Right To Bear Arms Words | 3 Pages. necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.” These are the words from one of the founding fathers, James Madison. In the past our Second Amendment has protected our right to bear arms, to have a firearm, for over years
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